Maverick Monsters Trunk-or-Treat!
Tuesday, October 29 @5-7PM
K-8 Campus : 14741 B Street
The entire family is invited to join in for some fun at our first ever Trunk-or-Treat! There will be dinner available, games to play, and crafts to make, plus a costume parade and contest so start planning your costume now. We'll end the evening trick-or-treating through the long line of decorated cars.
And because the highlight of the night is the cars, we're having a contest for the best decorated trunk. Get creative, think outside the box and go all out!
Cost is $10 per family. Covid safety will be followed.
It's definitely a night you won't want to miss! Now that you're excited to be there and have marked your calendar, there are 3 easy steps to take . . .
So we have enough food, we are asking everyone planning to attend to RSVP below.
Entrance is $10 per family and you can skip the line and pay right now.
This event will be a great success with the help of people like you! Sign up to enter your decorated trunk and hand out candy, help with food, games or crafts.
Notes about entering your decorated car . . .
*Spots for the first 30 cars to sign up.
*Bring your own candy to hand out.
*Arrive BEFORE 5PM in order to claim your spot. The lot will be closed from 5-7PM.
*Need suggestions on how to decorate? Pinterest has a ton of ideas!
Click their logo to the right to see what others have done.
Per State requirement, anyone coming onto campus will need to either show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.
Effective Oct 15, 2021
Click to read the TUSD Volunteer Vaccination Policy